Certification Explained:
Various organizations have developed NDT certification schemes to ensure personnel are adequately trained, qualified and have sufficient industry specific work experience.
Within South Africa, International Standard ISO 9712 and ASNT Recommended Practice no. SNT-TC-1A are most often used. Both schemes are based on four main elements:
- Formal classroom training
- Industrial experience
- Qualification examinations
- Vision accuity
SNT-TC-1A provides guidelines to employers to establish their own Written Practice, which will in turn govern the certification programme within the company. This makes it an internal or employer based scheme. Because it allows the employer to modify the requirements of the document to suit their specific needs, it offers a degree of flexibility that can be benificial to a company.
ISO 9712 on the other hand is an effort to globally standardize qualification and certification which makes it a central certification scheme. It provides a defined set of requirements with all examinations and verifications conducted by a third party certification body indpendent from the employer.
Although both schemes have the same intention, the differences between the two lie in the way the various elements are addressed.