Startup Support


So, you’ve decided to Startup an NDT company or add NDT services to your company’s portfolio. Either way, you may have a few questions or are unclear on where to begin. To help you get started, we have put together the guide below to help you understand the process.


Step 1 - Establish your requirements


First things first, determine what you require and the subsequent procedural responsibilities. Answering the following questions will help you with this:


  • What methods will your company take on?
  • What codes or standards will you be working to?
  • Will you be working for clients that have any specific requirements?


Once established, you will require the services of a certified NDT Level 3 to move forward.


Step 2 - Get the correct documentation


Based on your requirements, your appointed Level 3 will prepare, review and authorise the following documents:


  • A Written Practice detailing how your technicians are trained and certified.

  • Method Procedures describing how testing will be done.

  • Safe Use and Emergency Procedures (relevant to RT) detailing the use of radioactive sources and safety protocols.


Step 3 - Secure the necessary equipment


Each NDT method will have certain minimum equipment requirements to ensure tests are carried out safely and effectively, and reliable results are obtained. Your Level 3 should be able to help you establish what you require and the best options available. There are a few important factors that must be kept in mind:


  • Most equipment are subject to periodic calibration requirements which must be maintained.

  • Radiography has additional rules and regulations that must be followed. E.g. Your Company must first obtain an Authority from the Department of Health: Directorate Radiation Control to obtain radiation sources.


Step 4 - Get Certified


Only technicians that are Certified are allowed to carry out any work. Your appointed Level 3 will oversee your certification programme and ensure that all the requirements are met in accordance to your written practice and the applicable Codes / Standards. There are also a few important points that must be understood:


  • Your Level 3 is not the certifying technician, your Company will be the Certifying Agency. This is important to understand since it is the company that is legally responsible for the actions of their technicians, not the Level 3.
  • It is very important that all documentation is kept in order and ready for review. Auditors may require to see, in addition to certificates, supporting documents that prove the relevant requirements have been met. If documents are not in order, your company may end up losing a contract.
  • Working with invalid or expired certifications can result in your company being held legally responsible for damages in the case of part failure during use.


Certification is a serious business, and must always be treated so.


Step 5 - Start Testing!


Your company should now be ready to start testing components or marketing your NDT services to prospective clients.


Our goal is to help you get started THE RIGHT WAY. Ready to startup?


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